Custom Products
- Custom Bulk Fertilizer Blending
- Custom Bagged Fertilizer
- Lawn and Garden Fertilizers
- Pelletized Lime
- Pioneer Brand Seedcorn, Soybean Seed, Alfalfa Seed
- Silage Inoculants
- Custom Grass Seed Mixes
- Liquid Seed-Safe Fertilizers
- Liquid Nitrogen 32-0-0
- Liquid Poly Fertilizer
Custom Services
- Custom Weed Control Programs
- Bulk Fertilizer Spreading
- Custom Herbicide Application
- Liquid or Dry Corn Sidedressing
- Bulk Lime Spreading
- Frost Seedings
- Soil Samples
- Custom Harvesting
- Air Seeding
- Custom Spraying
- Top Dressing
- Crop Financing Programs
- Grain Drying
- Fungicide Application
- Feed Analysis available for your on farm needs
- Nutrition Plans

Custom Fertilizer Blending, Lawn and Garden Fertilizers, Bulk and Bagged Fertilizers available in Ton Bags, Half-Ton Bags, and 40 or 50 LB. Bags.

Animal Feeds
We offer a complete line of feeds for all of your farm animals, including:
- Bulk & Bagged Dairy Feeds
- Custom Grain Blend Mixes, specific for your farm
- Custom Pellets
- Dry Corn
- Cornmeal
Nutrition plans and feed analysis available

Farm Supplies & Animal Health
We carry a wide selection of farm supplies and animal health products – just right for your farm and home.

We offer many different pesticide and herbicide chemicals to suit your needs. Custom application is also available.

We Offer the Superior Quality of Pioneer and Preferred Seeds. For everything from lawns, to golf courses, to pastures, to cash crops.

Custom Services
Air Seeding
Frost Seeding
Lime and Fertilizer Spreading
Custom Spraying
Top Dressing
Soil Testing
Farm Planning
Feed Analysis
Crop Financing Plans